Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 - Year in Review
Ok everyone barely another 23 hours to a brand new year! Hope everyone can have a fun time awaiting the new year. Now that another year is approaching, it is time to make new resolutions, and certainly a time to do some reflection. Can you all remember all the best and worst moments of 2008? I'm sure everyone will be different.
Here's my recap of the year 2008 (the "most" moments) ******drumrolls******:
Happiest moment - Friday, 18 July. (Surely nothing beats this day, by a mile. At 9.55pm, stepped out of school door, took a cab down to geylang for No signboard seafood, went KTV till 6am, got home, washed up, took a nap, woke up and shouted "我毕业了!")
Exciting moment - Holland vs Russia at the Euro 08. Holland was the in-form team at that moment, Russia were the underdogs. My largest ever bet (and my last) of $1000 on Holland to win, Russia leading 2-1 at 85th min, 5 more minutes to the end. I thought this time $ gone already .... .... Who knows in the end never lose bet, haha ....
Best movie - Iron Man
Best anime movie - A contest between "Kung Fu Panda" and "Horton" (the elephant, if you remember ..) I know my choice of Horton is quite debatable, but i seriously don't know why no one fanices the elephant ... (No one understands ... )
Worst movie - Definitely "The Day the Earth Stood Still" - I think this choice even more unfair, but this certainly is up there with the worst lot ever. (The only reason why i said unfair was because it was shown recently and i still have a clear memory how bad it was, and i clearly remember "Number 23" was shown last year ... )
Prettiest babe - Kanny Theng (For sure)
Luckiest Moment - John Terry missing the supposed-to-be-European-Cup-winning penalty in the shootout against my most beloved Man U. (I already had my finger on the remote power button and was so close to pressing it the moment i saw the keeper diving the wrong way ..)
Laziest Moment - 16 June - 27 June. My high-key in camp training
Eat, Sleep, and PSP (and repeating the cycle) the most moment - As above
I realised there wasn't any bad or sad moments i can recall that were bad enough to be mentioned, except maybe a few minor hiccups faced along the year. Does this indicate that 2008 has been a good year for me? Trust me, 2009 is going to be different, very very different, and even better.
Thought of the day:
Hello 2009 !
10:52 PM
Saturday, December 27, 2008
My farewell email
What i emailed to everyone on my last day of work (Derek asked me where I copied from =.=):
Hi 大家好, 今天是我在UMC 的最后一天, 短短的两年三個月, 所学到的知识和宝贵的人与人相处之道, 却一点也不少。
还记得一开始在这里的时候, 还很不习惯IT 的用词都使用中文, 让第一次踏入正式工作的我捏了一把冷汗, 可是却发觉现在的我, 在聊 IT 的事情时, 使用的中文已经比英文还多, 有时还会被朋友问, 你到底在说什么啊?
我相信一個人的学习路程是永無止境的。我得走的路还很长, 我会记得所有在这里学的一切, 也希望它会在我以后的学习生涯上扮演很重要的角色。
我想要特別感谢所有我的老板们, 还有在场的你们, 给予我的所有耐心与包容, 你們每一个都曾经改善了我处理事情的方法, 让我往后的日子在面对任何问题的时候, 必定有所帮助, 我在这里向你們說声谢谢!
在最后, 我在这个欢庆的季节, 祝大家 2009 新的一年, 所有的事情都更順心如意, 我們一定会战胜这次的金融危机, 往往会失败的都是先放弃的人, 希望大家都好好加油 ! 再見!
Question of the day:
My Mandarin is good?
10:43 PM
Friday, December 26, 2008
Goodbye UMC
Official last day of work at UMC today, it's a rather weird feeling when you do everything for the last time today, e.g. taking the bus from Pasir Ris Interchange, having lunch in company, even using the toilet, you know this is the last time you use the toilet in the company. An unexplainable feeling. A taiwanese company, communication mostly in chinese, which made me decided to write my farewell email in chinese to everyone letting them know today is my last. After sending the mail, the first 2 calls i got in 5 mins were "哇, 你的华语很好 leh". Well abit unexpected comment, but interestingly enough. After that everyone seems to be surprised by my chinese standard. I even had to explain to people i used to take higher chinese back in secondary school, when some wanted to know my chinese grades back in school days =.=" And brenda said next time will find me when her daughter needs chinese tuition.
To receive so many people's wishes today is surely the best way to leave. All the comments ranging from "终于脱离苦海了" - which i have no answer to, as I find it sensitive to comment anything, to "真幸运" - where i slowly found out some people are also planning other options, and to my amazement, as early as mid Jan. But the best and satisfying comment i received was people telling me that to find a good job in the economy situation right now speaks for itself - you are good. I just feel i'm lucky enough, and told them it was all in the plans - bad or good economy.
Emotion of the day:
11:50 PM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas .... Eve !
Eve of Christmas, normally the time when friends and families should gather together and enjoy the Christmas spirit - the carols, exchanging of presents, good food, snow - something that you'll never get in singapore. GREAT. What matters most is everyone having a peaceful day during this festive season, i think that's why it is called 平安夜 ~
Today sent Fusen back to HK at airport, on leave these few days and since i got nothing much in the early afternoon, so met him for lunch at T2. Also marks the last time i will be seeing him till we meet again. Monday marks the last time i will be seeing some of my colleagues too, since friday marks my last day and many people will be on leave to enjoy the long weekend ~
I must have answered the same questions at least 20 times when i went around signing my resignation "clearance" form, something close to what we have to do back in army days where we go around getting signatures from people and they will sign only if they checked we don't own them anything. Once all signatures are "collected", you are free. I feel kinda sad when i removed my nameboard from my cubicle, the nameboard considered good quality, thought i can put it up on my room door or something lol ~ why have to return .....
Thought of the day:
旧的不去, 新的不来
1:28 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
KL & Genting 091208 - 121208
Back from KL and Genting, was my first time to KL too, also marks ARK's first overseas trip together after friends for more than 10 years already. I certainly hope the next one won't be another 10 year's time, its hard to find a right time when everyone is able to make it, with one still studying, one sailing on board for periods of time, and one working (should be the most free one actually - Me). Well we actually discussed where to go for the next trip already, but seems everyone has different opinions - Hong Kong and Korea (K went before), Japan (no one has comment), Taiwan (2 went before, but certainly don't mind going again, at least for me). Ok lets see how it turns out.Well KL, hmm not much to comment on the place, except maybe bad traffic. But should be the same for the whole of Malaysia i guess, haha. However i did come across something interesting:
Has anyone been to this "special" toilet? Why so expensive? Really have those machines that will auto spray water and help you clean your .... ? And really will people be comfortable with that too? A check with my malaysian colleagues, nobody knows. Well if you happen to know the reason for this toilet, i'm waiting ...
How we feel
Genting - nothing much changed since i last went there one year ago (Oct 07). Finally won $ at the casinos this time. Starworld casino is a no-go already, and so was the game "Three Pictures". When you play "Three Pictures" and ended up getting a 20, 20, 21, 20, you know you have to switch to Blackjack. ("Three Pictures" is a game where you have three cards, add the numbers together, and victory is determined by the value of your last digit. Bigger ones win of course, and you "fight" with the dealer). 20, 20, 21, 20 for 4 straight games means a 0, 0, 1, 0, where yes, almost any other number is bigger. Lost RM300 first day.
Changed to Monte Carlo casino, much smaller but suits me better. Changed to Blackjack and luckily, so did my fortunes. There are some uncles out there who really have the skills, so tag along with them is no problem. I don't tag along with female players, because i find that they go along with their instinct too often, not good for casino. Overturned to RM500 winnings overall. Phew, but still not enough money for the PS3 i targeted to win back ...
Trip photos can be found at:
Thought of the day:
To win something is a bonus!
3:14 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sign offer letter day
Today went to sign offer letter, impressed by the attitude of the receptionist. She has the super business English accent, and a very soft spoken voice tone. I remember when i went for interview the first time, she even wished me good luck. Today when I told her I was scheduled to sign offer letter, the first thing she said was "Welcome to join us!" And how she would always request you to take a seat first while she check out which floor to go and who to look for. I believe this kind of people would be best suitable to manage the whole company of 40+ floors - professional and put a smile on everybody's faces.
Thought of the day:
Looking forward to start work!
11:47 PM