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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Epileptic fit

What is an epileptic fit?

An epileptic fit represents the manifestation of the illness: it is set off by the excessive activity of brain cells, with an effect comparable to a sudden electric shock in the brain or in a part of it. The fit starts suddenly and stops more or less rapidly. Between a fit and another fit there are generally no symptoms. For epilepsy to be accurately diagnosed, one must have had at least two fits and the fits themselves need to have more or less a specific duration.

OK something i witnessed "live" in the MRT train yesterday, was in the train on my way to work. Got in the north bound train at City Hall, listening to my iPod as usual, and as the train was moving for a while, i suddenly realised girls beside me were running away.

Saw a man in front of me, should be 30+, office attire, was shaking vigorously, den suddenly he turned back, with a dazed look in his face. Which was the time i moved away, at first i thought he was a mad man who might attack people, he was just standing and shaking non-stop, then he collapsed to the ground, still shaking. It was then it hit upon me, and many others, that he was having trouble. By then a number of people were going up to him giving assistance. Scenes were chaotic too, i saw a guy stuffing a tie into his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue. A girl were pressing the emergency red button in the train to inform the driver that someone was in trouble, and after a while the train was approaching Dhoby Ghaut station.

It was too late for me to do anything by then, as a group of people lifted him up, wanting to carry him out of the train. but mid way the one lifting the head slipped his hands and banged his head on the floor. Ouch. Then he was carried off to the platform and of course, attracted lots of attention. Then the train resumed, and I was off to work, hoping the poor man will be all right.

Something worth mentioning, when the train stopped at Dhoby Ghaut station. the train staff were at the exact door the button were pressed, waiting for us. Full marks for efficiency i will say.

Thought of the day:

12:59 AM


Saturday, October 31, 2009

我心目中的女神 ... 们

Happy Halloween Folks! Hope the rainy day doesn't dampen any party plans or celebrations ~ At this point in time the lightning is still flashing non-stop in the sky.

Ok recently more than one of my good friends have wanted to introduce me some new girl friends, and this made me come up with a "checklist" as stated below:

1) Height: Ideally 155 - 165cm. Any shorter is still ok.

2) Weight: Hmm .... 我抱得起来应该就ok, but if i have to put down a figure, i think 最好不要超过50

3) Personality: Outgoing, 最好是叽叽喳喳 type (opposites attract), 可爱, 搞笑, 不做作, 放得开

4) Interests: No particular, but prefer like to sing, then we have one big common interest

5) Others: 贤妻良母, 会煮饭, 喜欢小孩子, 外表看顺眼, 不需要喜欢做家务

That's about all ... Hmm ... 真的有那么难找吗? =(

To sum it up, 我觉得这些女生真的很不错 (排名有分先后) :

Number one on my list has to be her - 卓文萱, 每次看到她我都会觉得 wa .... ....

In terms of appearance, she's a 100 marks straight. And she totally brings out the meaning of the word "sweet". So sweet i might contract diabetes. 唱歌又好听, 赞啦 !!

Second will be 钟欣怡, nowadays harder to see her on TV, she used to co-host 我猜, also 赞, but will have to say she more mature type ... more suitable as i get older. But from the 我猜 days i always liked to see her on it.

Lastly will be her - rather new in the entertainment industry. Her name is 小call. Saw her a couple of times in variety shows, still recall the first time was 康熙来了, and the segment was about "我的好朋友是美女", where the ordinary looking girl is supposed to talk about the differences in treatment from people as compared to the beautiful one. But here's the catch - she's the ordinary looking one, And i was like ... "wtf ... 这样还不够美啊.." Her character is 标准的傻大姐 pattern ... 赞 also. She's rather small size too.

Thought of the day:
欢迎符合条件的朋友留言在我的部落格, LOL

7:46 PM


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I don't normally backdate blog entries, most of the time if i feel like blogging about a certain stuff one day, but failed to do so, most likely the other day i will not feel like blogging about it already. But this will be an exception (since it's already being drafted for more than 2 weeks + already ..)

And so it is, 25 years old. Why are the memories of 15 years old still fresh to me ... 我要你们回来 ...

Birthday celebrations this year started off with a visit to Zoo, a place i last went during my polytechnic days, a count should be around 7 or 8 years ago. Hmm seems different already, much bigger (or is it?) i have to say, or is it because the me of the younger days simply did not comb the entire area. Anyway it really brought back the childhood memories, zoo visit was a must during the primary school excursion days (signing of parent consent forms, buying of food to bring along for the trip), apple even said her last zoo visit was back then, that's decades ago ...

What i found more interesting about the animals had to be the live feeding show, otherwise if i wasn't walking around the zoo, i think i may just fall asleep in the trip. Not that i am complaining, it still is a pretty decent place to go once in a while. Saw the white tigers, which reminded me of the poor zoo worker who was killed by them some time ago. Realised i had not watched the video before, immediately went to find it online when i returned home, hmm not much comments, i think maybe the video is not the complete version, but anyway the full version and the people who happened to be there as the attack happens, they must remember the horrific incident for quite a while. Gross.

Then we headed to turf city for dinner. We walked around, changed our minds a few times, walked around some more, and finally decided on the Chong Pang BBQ Buffet Steamboat (marina south style ...) The food were ok, except for a few oil spurting incidents ... ok this should be the last time we are eating this type of steamboat. After dinner we went to Holland Village Swensen's, as it is operating 24 hours. Cut my first birthday cake of the year - Cookies 'N' Cream Ice Cream cake!

Not bad, except that it still melted slightly despite my fastest attempts to send it home after the celebration ended. Thank you guys and girls !!

Next up was with YYMS. This year was very much shorter compared to our usual activities and celebrations. So short that we all took MRT home and reached home before 11pm. We went to Marina Square, originally wanted to eat at the Yaki Yuki buffet, reached there at 6.30pm but were told the next table is at a shocking 8.45 pm !!! When the waiter told me i was like "What? Did i hear wrongly?" But this is not the first time i encountered actually. Previous time i was there, they also gave a very long reservation time, only to shorten it by more than 50%. I was actually feeling the same thing could happen this time, but turned out we didn't have much to do, so we decided to have dinner already.

We went to Muthu's Curry at Suntec, and barely had our butts warmed our seats, i received call from Yaki Yuki saying table is available. A check on my watch says 7.15 pm, ok lesson learnt - next time it is ok to wait. Decided to cancel the table since we already sat down, and the food were decent too. I think the spiciness is still acceptable, then again why do you want to eat there if you can't even take abit? The waiters couldn't stop rapping, minus the food ordering and confirmation part, i couldn't catch another word they said. Especially the time when we asked him what is this and that when the food were served, really is "catch no ball ..."

Afterwards we went for dessert, and it is then i received 2 presents. A Sony Ericsson bluetooth handsfree set and a wallet, one useful and one not so, at least for now. My current wallet is still decent condition, plus i also don't feel like changing it. But i'll keep it first in case my finance starts to turn for the bad, oh man if that's the case i hope not to use the wallet =(

Ok so you all are wondering what happened on the actual day? Met another person, cut another cake. I guess this entry is getting long enough, so it will be for me to know .. and for you all to find out. Happy 25th Birthday to Me again!

Thought of the day:
2 wedding dinners in November, oh man ....

2:25 AM


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mid 20 crisis coming soon ...

As the title says, I will be turning 25 in officially 22 days time. Where has all the young, carefree days gone? To be frank, i am not too concerned about myself turning 25, just a little turning back and looking at my life so far and wondering if i could have done any better.

So i expect a rather busy month in store for me, normally will be the usual 3 groups of frens celebrating. YYMS - seems like a first time trip to Chinese Garden for birthday celebration, finally, a get-away from the usual celebration in KTV. SIM frens - pending a Zoo outing, originally Zoo outing was supposed to be yesterday, but last minute cancelled, which proved to be a good thing because it was raining the whole of Sunday, phew.

And last is ARK and frens, provided our sailor fren kf can come back in time, which i am rather unsure about, but still hope he can make it, because it has been extremely long since we last caught up with each other. Close to a year, rather shocking. Last time we used to hang out weekly, at the worst case ever possible was at least monthly, now yearly!! But it is good, in a way, because now 2 out of 3 are attached, and it really affected us hanging out. Last time when we frequently hang out were the times all of us were single, but this also means 我已经感受到一点压力 ... bad for me, but still happy for them.

Restaurant City has a new feature, where you can grow your own ingredients, i went to forum to check out for any tips and tricks or any information on it. Came across a site where one was explaining how the seeds work, and people were asking all sorts of questions. So it seems all types of ingredients can be grown from the seeds, you can actually expect ice and water to be harvested. I planted 3 seeds on my first try, got basil, bayleaf and coffee beans. Now planted all 9 seeds, only able to harvest tomorrow, let's see whether it is true that all ingredients in RC can be grown ...

However this one question caught my attention.

One asked: "Will the ingredient market guy steal our ingredients that are planted? Because he is standing just in front of our garden."

This stealing ingredients stuff i believe came from a certain game, wonder if it is Barn Buddy or something, Saw many of my friends playing, but doesn't seem interesting enough.

The person replied with a picture ...

MP3 of the day:
陈伟联 - 分手的情书

1:19 AM


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Have you wondered for people born in the 1980s, which like me, are by now already in the mid 20s, what to us are considered 最幸福的事? Only recently i have realised that it could all come down to this - your parent's health and well being.

I realised this upon encountering 2 colleagues that are around the same age as me, but their lives could not be more different.

One drives a car, leads a rather luxurious lifestyle, and buys expensive gadgets and stuff every now and then.

One is extreme thrifty, saves on meals, and always rushes to do OT whenever possible, finding ways to earn extra money.

Had a chat with the second person ever, found out that his father had suffered from a stroke and i believe is bed-ridden, resulting in the mother is also unable to go to work as she has to take care of the father. And him being the eldest son, with 2 younger sisters, that certainly added to the load, at least for now.

Which made me conclude that:
1) If your parents are still working, which means helping out in the family, that is considered blessing number 1 - there is still not that much burden for you - the children.

2) If your parents are healthy, that is considered blessing number 2 - because being sick unfortunately means bigger expenses incurred.

Then i look at my parents. I do not have the blessings of (1), as both my parents are already not working anymore. The expenses in the family are now shared among the siblings.

My mother used to be working, until she fell sick early this year and is no longer working, which also slightly deprived me of blessing number (2).

可是不知道为什么, 我觉得已经很满足了.

My parents never quarrel, i will not exactly say they lead a loving lifestyle, but i can see the care and concern between them, especially the time my mother was hospitalised.

Although sometimes i see other people's family, the parents could afford to bring the entire family out for holidays across the world, i wonder why is it that this is not happening to me. But it is not important. Now i hope one day, i can afford to sponsor my parents out for holidays instead. Something i will be proud of doing, when one day i can.

Because i know, 我其实应该算很幸福了.

Thought of the day:
当你有健康和平安的时候, 你会不会把它当成是理所当然的?

2:23 AM


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Nation's 44th Birthday

Nation's 44th Birthday begins 8am .... at the office ~ with work. And i was just as surprised when i see so many other people together in office on a public holiday. GIC really is 没有假期的地方. I find myself keep saying to others "Eh 今天你也要来啊?"

Worked till 6pm. And headed straight to Yixiang's place for 麻将 session. But i had to pick up Liyao from Woodlands first since i'm also around the North area, and if she were to come by herself to Queenstown, she will be super late.

Upon reaching Yx's place, then i realised there are other people, which is Yx's landlord's son. A clean shave head, speaking chinese in extreme slow pace, my first impression of him was sadly to say, i thought he is a little on the "low intellectual" type. Little did i know he turned out to be the joker of the night, and he's a NUS graduate in the banking line, and according to Yx, he is freaking rich. And throughout the night i can tell he has a very good personality, and i also found out the reason why he speak chinese so slowly, is because he is more english educated. 果然是极度严重的 "人不可冒相".

And then we had dinner while watching the NDP, which is already nearing its end by then. After that we set up 2 tables, one for mahjong, and one for 骰子吹牛. I played mahjong first, and luckily they play damn small, and of course as expected, i was the biggest loser - i tink $2 only. I confirm facebook the 神来也麻将 is a fake illusion ...

Played for a couple of hours then the 2 tables switched over, 骰子吹牛 i was rather surprised quite a number of people don't know how to play it. I think not everyone watches "小气大财神" when it was showing years back on SCV, i remember it was my family's favourite programme at 8pm back then.

In the end both tables combined to play 骰子 together, everyone with 4-5 dice each and in total got ard 30+ dice to bluff the others, and everyone is issued a cup where the forfeit is drink alcohol of course. The house got so many types of alcohol, plus orange juice, coke, green tea, it was really fun. I think we played for hours and soon it was already 3+ am. Some had to work the next day and so they left. The remaining people were just right to play mahjong, as i and Liyao went to zzz at Yx's room.

Woke up at 7am, found the people are still playing mahjong, washed up, and left ... for work again.

Yes i went to work again. Same clothes and all, but i got take shower, just never change shirt. Anyway it is still fragrant, thanks to my Glade Sport car perfume. It's really power, no wonder the girls in the commercial want to push the car down the hill, just to get in the guy's car ^^

And i KO in the office in the morning, 实在有够累 ...

Thought of the day:
How come never take photos ah?

1:30 AM


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Forex Trade Review - July 09

Time for a review after first 2 weeks of live trading, not too satisfied with the results, although there is profit, disappointed the good trades always come when i am not around, really missed out on some good trades that should have made the profit shoot up more.

Started off with USD 1000, and as you can tell from the chart, ended July with USD 1388. Originally planned to withdraw out the profits every time a certain benchmark is reached, now reconsidering if it is the right thing to do. Cos bigger money pool really helps to generate bigger profits.

Now i truly understand the meaning of greed, 原来人真的会越来越贪心的.

Trade results for July 09:

Before: USD 1000

After: USD 1388

Thought of the day:
Hope for better results in August

2:46 AM


Tuesday, July 21, 2009


我的第一次 ... ... 中4D 啦~~!

And yes, i have just officially struck 4D for the first time ever in my life, and i really do have to admit there are such things called "Beginner's luck". Well at least it applies for me, won Toto the very first time i bought it myself, and now 4D on only my second attempt =) more to come i hope.

No System Entry, no iBet, just Ordinary Entry where you bet on a specific 4-digit number. I had to rub my eyes to confirm did i see wrongly when i was checking the numbers on the papers, even double or triple checked it to make sure there is no "跳字".

And it was quite coincidence, was leaving after breakfast with my colleague Alan when we walked past the Singapore Pools outlet and he said he is going to buy football and 4D. I just followed him in and was checking the football odds for fun. Then i saw the 4D betting slip. 有点心血来潮, so i just took it and decided to buy.

First number was my car plate number of course, come to think of it there really isn't much 4-digit numbers that had any meaning to me at all, this had to be one of them i thought - 3136.

Then came the second number ... which i had no idea yet, but rather magically it just came to me in an instance. Out of nothing i just decided to buy her birthday. Can't explain the feeling that was going through then. March 18 - making it 0318.

I was thinking the number hard to strike, because normally i see winning numbers hardly start with 0, was thinking whether to buy System Entry or iBet, but then decided not to. Most likely wasting more of my money i thought.

$2 Big for Saturday and Sunday, $8 in total. Lucky 8 i was thinking. And the rest ... you know.But only consolation prize lah, i still don't know how much winnings, i asked my dad he said $150, anyone knows? i decided not to collect my winnings first, i want to show her the betting slip.

Lastly, i had luck too with my first official live account trade in Forex on Friday, i said luck because that was a pure gamble.

Thought of the day:
希望我的偏财运来了, and about time it came =)

11:15 PM


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Life is fragile =(

Life is fragile, and often can catch all of us when we are most unaware ...

Sadded to hear yesterday that Ben's wife has left, will be going to the funeral later on in the evening with all of the colleagues together. The last i heard of her wife was still healthy and perfectly normal, but all of a sudden just went into a coma for around 2 weeks and never woke up again.

I always feel that in these situations, it is always much harder to take if it just happen out of the blue, without any warning signs beforehand. Had lunch with Ben once and he was sharing with me his family life, 2 daughters who went overseas to study and stayed there to work, and he and his wife will stay here and go to either Australia or the States to visit the 2 different daughters when they have the time.

Alan said Ben was telling him few days ago that he felt his wife was not going to make it, and he cried in the office. He even kicked the chair and said how come things became like this, and of course this all happened in our absence. And then came the news yesterday when it was confirmed...

Thought of the day:
Life is fragile, treasure everything while you still can

4:35 PM


Sunday, June 7, 2009


心情愉快, mainly due to the reason i got a few overdue outstanding matters settled all about the same time, which mainly are:

1) FINALLY changed all the oil for my wife, which already have been 6 months overdue from when i was supposed to do it. Now i feel my baby is smooth riding again =)

2) Fixed my desktop PC, up and running now. A new power supply and graphic card did the trick.

3) Funded my live account for Forex. And just in time for the automated EA that was released recently also.

6 months have passed in 2009, so far i have only accomplished 1 goal out of 4 that i have set for the year. The bumps affecting the remaining 3 goals are mainly:

- Piano: I'm putting my "Wants" on lesser priority for now compared to the "Needs" that i know are of higher importance.

- CCNA: Still studying and considering should i take this cert this year or next, which is when i know there is a higher chance i may be changing jobs, current job so far so good =) , if i have to pick a flaw it is that there is really nothing much new stuff to learn already.

- Property Agent: Waiting to kick this off asap, waiting for Angela to get her driving license first.

And oh yes, we visited Baby Chloe on her first month birthday last Saturday. Chubby, cute, basically all babies are the same - simply adorable.

MP3 of the day:
萧闳仁 - 我没有错

12:24 AM


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Night at the Museum 2

Met up with SIM group on Friday night, was supposed to meet at PS but the parking was FULL, all 6 floors of the carpark, ended up i can only park at Orchard, at my favourite parking place due to the reasonable price (and i still have no idea the name of the building, only know it is beside Paragon). Passed through 3 ERP when i was making circles around Orchard area =.=", and the traffic was real heavy.

Cineleisure was where we ended up instead. Dinner time was when i received the news of YX's ROM. Hmm i have to admit it came as a real surprise, the girls say she too 冲动 already, June 14 is the day, and it is only like 3 weeks away. Need to take leave ...

After dinner we decided to catch a movie, the timings all so-so, so we changed our venue again to Cathay that is just besides PS (deja vu ...) to try our luck. I recall the last time i watched a movie there was around the time the building just opened, the time when Hark Music was still opened to the public, the time YYMS used to spend our time there and not KTV, sounded like a long time ago.

Movie was at 1.30am, the time we bought the tickets was close to 11pm, so ... 2 hours + to go, how to kill the time? All we needed is Ben & Jerry's shop and a deck of poker cards. Daidee with forfeit of buying ice creams is good enough, especially for the 2 girls. The rule is whoever reaches an accumulative losing card count of 30 first is the loser, and will have to buy a single scoop of ice cream as forfeit. (And we already had ice cream earlier on before the game). Once someone reaches 30, he/she will buy ice cream and everybody's count will reset to 0, then the game continues. Total in the 2 hours we had 3 or 4 scoops, i also forgotten, only remember i and Liyao never lose and Peter was the ... "most generous".

Then as the time approaches our movie starting time, it was also time for Ben & Jerry's to close shop. At that point we counted, me and Peter was just at the 20 cards mark, so we headed up to the cinema area to wait. We decided to continue the game as there was still around 20 minutes more to go, and the forfeit was changed to Nachos for the movie. The girls who were safe from the forfeit, as they both were only around the 10 cards mark, decided to make either one of us, the guys, lose to pay the forfeit, which is also when the game started to get real fun. Because me and Peter was just as determined not to lose the forfeit. After a number of rounds of the most strategic Daidee games anyone can ever play, it was 10 minutes to movie start, and we decided to stop playing (or so the guys thought originally). We counted and Peter was at 29, only one card away from the forfeit. I was much safer. Me and Peter were celebrating that we did not have to pay the forfeit, and so we went for a toilet break before movie starts.

5 minutes to movie start, the girls came out of the toilet, looked at their watches, and "insisted" that we play one more game, they said still got enough time! So we crazily played the last game outside the cinema entrance, and the only way for Peter not to pay the forfeit was for him to win the last game, as he is one card away. After the last battling Daidee game, I won, and ended up Peter losing with only 1 card in his hand! So we had to buy the Nachos, and we really did make it in time for the movie also.

We had so much fun in the process, the forfeit is not important, it just spices up the game. I'm simply glad that i have different friends who really, gave me different types of fun when doing different activities together. 大家友情万岁!

Feeling of the day:

2:33 AM


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It has been quite some time already since i get to hear a good song. Strongly recommend this song, heard before a number of times on radio, but always never get to hear the title, finally last Sunday i happen to switch to MTV channel on TV and it is playing this song!

卢学睿 - <可不可以爱我>



为什麽明明想靠近 却还在迟疑

努力的我保持镇定 努力开拓话题



深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑


连闭上眼睛 怎麽都是你

你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我


别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受


你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我


成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过






This song really give me a lot of feel, and the main reason is because .... i ever tried to write a song purely out of fun, it was around 2 years back, but i only written a few lines and did not continue. And my pathetic few lines are almost similar to this part:

你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我


别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受

The words are almost identical, although i also forgotten the exact words i wrote. Another reason i like this song is because the lyrics are simple yet meaningful enough. 赞!

Thought of the day:
原来我的词加上曲是这个样子的, LOL

3:27 PM


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Come Come Join Me!

I'm back after MIA a while, main reason is because i lent my laptop to my brother, and although i still have a desktop PC, i only prefer to blog using my laptop, also don't know why leh ...

Completed my 3 days Forex course last week, woo definitely enriching stuff learnt, till today i am still figuring out the strategies and studying the market movement, but i am confident once i understood all these and mastered the market, it can only mean one thing. There were games played during the course, more interesting were 2 of them - The "Lose Money Game" and the "Win Money Game". As their names meant, the objective of the games were to lose and win the most amount of money in a stated period of time respectively. We started off with a capital of USD50000, and will trade as we wish. Winner groups for both games will win real cash of $260, and there are two people in a group.

Me and Neo were in a group, and we came in third in the "Lose Money Game". We eventually ended up as runners-up because the original runners-up group did not follow some of the rules exactly, but of course, all of the games were played in good spirit. After we checked the results in terms of the amount they lost, we only lost by a close margin of around few hundred dollars! (In this case, it means they lost slightly more than us by a few hundred dollars, as the objective was to lose money). Argh ...

Later on in the day we had the "Win Money Game", where the end result was a total of around 20 groups, only 2 groups managed to make money, and the profits were in hundreds only. The rest all lost, including us. Lessons were learnt, and here are the basics:

1) What you did when you were trying to lose money, you can't just reverse your actions and expect to win. It will not work. At all.

2) In trading, it is not the quantity of your trades, it is quality that matters.

3) You will fail without a plan and strategy, something i am still working on.

And i was pretty surprised that in the "Win Money Game" we actually had a winning rate of 85% in terms of the number of trades we did, why we still lost money overall is because the losing trades we had are of higher value, so they are still not enough to cover the winning ones. Of course, this is only demo account with fake money. What i like about Forex trading is that you can actually put a "Stop Loss" to your trades, which means you can set the maximum amount you can lose and once that amount hits, the trade will close. We never used this during the game as we wanted to see what will happen. Nevertheless, i just hope my winning rate can be maintained at 80% when i moved on to real money. I will really be satisfied enough.

And lastly i'm also glad i made some new friends in the course, and all share the common goal as i do, all are so eager to make money and we already formed groups to trade together and share our thoughts and lessons learnt during the weekly review lessons. An interesting fact was that in the course all the people my age are guys, there are no young ladies below age of 30. I guess what Ryan, a new friend who is same age as me, told me is correct: "Girls our age is only concerned with one thing, how to package themselves better so as to find a better husband in the future, they are not concerned with how to make money for now." Well, judging from what i see, i have to agree with him. The reason why he joined also is to make more money for marriage, as he said his girlfriend who is older than him is "stressing" him already. Woo.

Group Photo

Thought of the day:
Too much Mas Selamat in the news lah

5:11 PM


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday to Peter!

Met my SIM mates for dinner on Tuesday, main reason is to celebrate the 2nd eldest person in our group - Mr Peter's 27th birthday! Had dinner at Kuishin-Bo located at Suntec City, the food there is excellent, it is an authentic Japanese Buffet Restaurant with a wide range of food including salmon, seafood and crab, which alone is worth the price because it is real fresh, only bad price is maybe the price is a little steep, weekdays still $40 per head, but once in a while is still ok. Got chance must go again.

We simply had so much laughter during the dinner, as we always have back in the days we were studying together, so much laughter i can sense the lady of a couple sitting just beside us kept listening to our conversation and jokes. And even listened to our comments on the food we took, how every time when we say this dish is good, and we began "snatching" before it runs out, and in the next moment, you see the guy leaving the table and returns with, yes you guessed it, the item we almost started a war because of it, is definitely not a coincidence. And how i can spot everything is because i was sitting at a diagonal angle to them and can actually see their every move rather clearly.

Halfway through dinner when the 27 years old birthday boy began to chat with the 28 years old 大姐 in our group about, coincidentally, applications for HDB flats, because the both of them happened to apply for it around the same time, and the two of them were chatting more and more about the balloting, how it works, the hidden secrets of HDB applications, I and Liyao were looking at each other and said "你会不会觉得我们好像老了, 现在吃饭的话题都是在讲申请房子", we deeply felt it is no secret that time really have passed us.

And a usual group of 5 turns out only 4 could make it for dinner, as our Apple friend is still working. So after dinner i drove them over to her workplace to find her, which we only know is around UE Square near Clarke Quay area. Because we don't know the exact address, and she wasn't picking up our calls, we 兜了几个圈子 and finally decided to just stop by any side of the road that is convenient and not blocking the traffic, and just wait. Then the phone call came, and when it ended, guess where we stopped? ... Directly in front of her company, just only on opposite roads. Wa really 应验了 this saying: "众里寻她千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在灯火阑珊处". (sounds weird ...)

And lastly what's a birthday without cutting the birthday cake? But this was going to be no ordinary cake cutting, because we could not go too far off from Apple's workplace in case she had to be called back, our options were limited. So limited till the extent everyone got out and we cut it ... at the rear outside of the car. Liyao suggested cutting it inside the car but i was =.=" with the idea. This really goes down as one of the more memorable places to cut any birthday cake - by the side of the road. The birthday boy was disappointed too, as once the cake was cut, Apple immediately received call to go back office and that was about it for the short birthday celebration. We had the cake and packed up and that was the day.

Birthday Boy

With Me

With Liyao

With Yixiang

Thought of the day:
Omg .. what have we done?

(Birthday Boy's msn after our "celebration")

12:45 AM


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random mix of injection, work, MIO and Forex!

Time for a "rojak" entry of miscellaneous recent happenings (and seriously my heart goes out to the people who suffered food poisoning from the recent Geylang Serai rojak case, because i have suffered the same fate before, and my "record" was 17 diarrhoea in one and a half day, one of the worst feelings i have felt ... ever)

Firstly, mom's condition. I was rather surprised from the response i received, also gave me a rough idea who are the ones that have been reading my blog. If you are reading this now, and you have shared your kind concerns to me, i would like to say a very big "Thank You!" to you - all of you who know who you are. She actually has been discharged from hospital long ago, and is now recuperating well at home. And now i have picked up the art of giving injections, something i never thought i would one day do, and more so the person to inject was my mom.

I actually kinda wanted to give up on my first attempt, i tried to inject twice but the god damn needle just will not go in. Simply discouraged when she said it starts to hurt already, though she wasn't complaining, which only adds to my guilt. Not even practising with a dummy syringe on a soft toy helps in any way. The human flesh is just ... different. Much tougher, which i should have known. But i can say today i have picked up the art of injection, however this is something i will rather not have to do. And just fyi she needs to be given 2 injections daily, and the medicine is call Fraxiparine.

Work matters - how ironic the last person to join our team, who in fact came on board one week later than me, someone i had to introduce the basics of the job requirements, yes one week old bringing one day old around, has now been promoted to one position that i feel is higher than us, even though it is only for a temporary 4 months. Btw he is also my talk cork buddy because we just sit beside each other. When i saw the email my first action was to sms to congratulate him, only to get a response "Wa shag leh, not promotion lah, more work and same pay." But i seriously wouldn't mind something like that, because i am sure it is going to pay off in the near future.

Although he is 5 years my senior, born in 1979, but i was pretty impressed by his knowledge and working style. And not many people has earned this compliment from me, because till today i have not really been this impressed by anybody, but this is one exceptional case. Someone who has been through a number of different occupations, even was once a pilot, he seems to know everything there is to know, finally i found new inspiration to work towards to!

I have just switched to Singtel MIO, and would strongly recommend it to everyone who is thinking of changing their broadband plans. For just $39.90/month, you get 3Mbps Internet speed, MIO TV that have so many video on demand including free drama and movies, and including your current telephone line in one bundle package, go where to find? Last time my Starhub 6.5Mbps broadband alone already costs me $70++. Finally i am freed from the contract and changed subscribers immediately, now i only keep Starhub for the TV and of course, football. And the person who came my place to setup also damn friendly, he volunteered to help me change my telephone socket "box" for free because it actually came off some time ago, resulting in the cables were being partly exposed all along. And this was something he did not have to do. Full marks for customer service to Singtel .. for now!

And lastly, i am starting on Forex trading, already signed up for the trading courses. I am looking forward to share this with all of you, and i will definitely try to pull as many people as i can into this area, but personally, i want to try it out first, so i can show my "战绩" to everyone when i am sharing, because 我不喜欢纸上谈兵. I am never someone to talk about the "if-only" and the "what-if", i will tell you about the "what you will get".

I believe in something like the 成龙's 霸王 shampoo commercial where he said: "我要告诉你们我用完是这样子, 你们用完也是这样子" **shakes hair**. 我要和我的军师一起作战先, wish me good luck! But if anyone wants to make money asap, kindly contact me to understand more! 有钱我们大家一起赚, we are talking about a pool of 3 trillion daily, suck as much as you can!

Thought of the day:
Slowly i am finding my path, a path to success

2:42 AM